Category Archives: Spirit/Totem Animals

Badger, Power Animal, Symbol of Aggression, Self Expression

Badger, Power Animal, Symbol of Aggression, Self Expression

Ina Woolcott

Badger symbolises aggressiveness, reliance, self-expression, holding ones own, link to the underworld and the magic and mystery of creation, link to plant and animal spirits, fearlessness, boldness, braveness

The power of the badger lies in is its aggressiveness and the readiness to fight for what it wants. On the flip side, the badger is also about healing – they are the keeper of Earth’s healing herbs. Badger will persevere in finding a cure. People with this power animal are often healers and have the guts to use unconventional methods.
Badger’s are a member of the weasel family. They grow 2-3 feet long are around 12 inches high. As they have poor eyesight, family members often mark one another with scent.

However, their sense of hearing and smell are excellent. Those with this power animal could do well in jobs that use sound as a healing tool. You may also need to develop clear sight, psychically and physically and not only depend on your other senses for survival.

People with this power animal also usually :
* are leaders and bosses and will get the job done. * quick to express their feelings with concern for the consequences. * likely to be solitary but comfortable and happy with themselves and their own company. * are self-reliant
When used correctly, this is a powerful power animal to have on your side!

The badger is very domesticated – they keep their dens very clean and neat, replacing their bedding frequently, going backwards into their dens dragging the straw so they don’t make a mess. Badger bestows on you the gift of organisation and neatness. If they have entered your life then maybe you should focus on being orderly and neat in your daily life. You may also be shown how to handle your time better.

Badgers are very compact and well muscled, but they have loose skin which on the surface gives the a misleading look linking them to illusion. As the age old saying goes – what you see is not always what you get…. They have mightily strong jaws which symbolises verbal prejudice. Words can be like a double sided sword, negative or positive – sharp, harsh, cutting, crushing or the pole opposites – soft, encouraging, kind, gentle, uplifting…. Badger people can do either or.

They are fearless and fierce and if driven into a corner badgers will go at it tooth and nail and fight to the death! Very unsociable badgers are, so those with this medicine may find it hard relating to others, sneering at authority and holding their own in any given situation. One of their biggest tests would be being able to express themselves clearly.

Being amazing diggers, badgers are able to get below ground with no difficulty, linking them to the underworld. This is where the mysteries and magic of life and creation is held. Also, this is symbolic of a powerful link to animal and plant spirits, and can show badger people how to get in balance and alignment with above and below ground. … expression

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Armadillo, Power Animal, Symbol of Boundaries, Safety

Armadillo, Power Animal, Symbol of Boundaries, Safety

By Ina Woolcott

Armadillo’s medicine includes – understanding your personal boundaries, respecting the boundaries of others, carrying your protection with you at all times, understanding your vulnerabilities, empathy, discrimination, medicine shield safety, being grounded.

To defend itself, the armadillo will roll itself into a ball, becoming completely armoured against attack. This teaches us how to consciously define our own emotional and physical boundaries.

Armadillo wears its armour on its back, its medicine is this part of its body. Its boundaries of safety are a part of its whole being. Adjust your rhythms and senses to know what is safe and what is not. Armadillo teaches you how to protect yourself and when to let your defences down, to let others in to your space.

You can make yourself an energy body shield using Armadillo medicine. Draw a circle on a piece of paper and view it as a medicine shield. In the circle write down all the things that you want to have, experience, and those things that bring you joy. This shield reflects who you are and what you will be on an unconscious level. When you Armadillo comes into your life, it is time to define your space. You may have difficulty saying ‘no’ and are being taken for granted. You must learn to guard your personal space and allow entry only when you want. … ies-safety

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Ant, Power Animal, Symbol of Team Work, Oneness and Patience

Ant, Power Animal, Symbol of Team Work, Oneness and Patience

By Ina Woolcott

When observing ants it is easy to see some of the special characteristics, or ‘powers’ they have. Ants are very industrious. There are ants that are solitary but most are part of a large community. Within the community there is a wide variety of activities and behaviours, with each ant knowing its place and fulfilling its duties with total loyalty to the whole. Each ant does his bit to ensure the survival of the whole community, no matter what role it has in society. Activities include gathering and hunting. They work hard, are patient and co-operative. An ant is able to carry a leaf, a crumb or a dead ant for miles – just to get back home to the anthill, requiring a load of stamina and patience. If an ant has to fight, it will, if an ant has to dig tunnels, it will, and if an ant has to carry leaves for miles, it will, all for the good of the community. As well as being extremely hard working they possess an extraordinary ability to work as a team – the power of their medicine – to build their homes, to feed and protect all members of their colony. There may be a social order in ant colonies, but all ants honour and respect each other and work toward their common goal – the good of the community. Worker ants are great architects and can show us how to construct our dreams into reality. They are also very persistent and can teach this skill as well. Queen ants have wings and are able to fly until they fall pregnant. Once pregnant they tear of their own wings sacrificing the ability to fly for the birth of a newborn.

If the ant has crossed your path then this may be an indication that you are hardworking, good at team work, working to help the community, or that you are patient and take the time needed to achieve your goals. Being tireless workers and hunters, ant teaches us the trait of perseverance and patience in ALL they/we do. These gifts can also be utilised by us. Those who have Ant as Power Animal, will find that many of their life lessons will involve the mastery of patience in some way. Ant medicine is powerful, yet subtle. It teaches us how to let go of our egos, aligning us with the uprightness of equality. For sure the world would be a happier place if humanity held and utilised the virtues of ants. Imagine what the world would be like if humanity held and applied the values that the ant expresses. Hard work and patience, which come with the power of the ant, make goals and dreams a reality.

If any of the above seem like your weak points, this may indicate that you need to work on this. Perhaps you need to practise the special qualities an ant possesses – co-operating, working with others or patiently working towards your goals. If you intentionally murder or maim an ant e.g. by stepping on it, question yourself why it is that you are deciding to destroy the unconditional love that the ant so freely gives and shares. … d-patience

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Alligator / Crocodile Power Animal, Symbol of Primal Energies, Survival

Alligator / Crocodile Power Animal, Symbol of Primal Energies, Survival
Posted By Ina Woolcott
Alligator/Crocodile’s medicine includes maternal protection, primal energies, connection to mother earth, protection from manipulation, understanding deceit, revenge through patience, initiation, understanding weather, access to ancient knowledge, power to survive.
The Alligator/Crocodile has inhabited earth for millions of years. They bare the unstoppable, untameable creative forces of All That Is, the force and fury of primal energies. They symbolise creation and destruction and are the keepers and protectors of all knowledge. In many a myth and legend crocs/alligators are known as the keepers of ancient wisdom. when one of these creatures enters your life, look for an opportunity to touch very primal energies. There will be an opportunity for new knowledge and wisdom.
Concealing themselves in mud and water, the alligator/crocodile will wait patiently for unsuspecting prey to come by and quickly snap it up! They eat any animal they can get their snappers on, and if unable to swallow it whole, will tear it into bite size pieces. YUM! In spite of this, they don’t eat unnecessarily. Waste is not a part of their medicine. If this is your power animal, be mindful over what you consume. don’t over eat, or under eat either. Listen to your body telling you when you are full or not. Digestive problems are not uncommon amongst those with this power animal. The alligator/croc digests its food slowly, and so must you remember to gather, absorb and digest all experiences thoroughly before moving on too quick.
The alligators/crocodiles eyes located high upon their heads, giving them the ability to stay pretty much hidden below water yet still see above it. Symbolically this suggests clairvoyant abilities. From these creatures we can learn how to be patient and appropriate timing, for the alligator/croc knows when to hide below the water, when to peak above it, or take action and snap. For croc/alligator people caring for the eyes is important.
Concealing themselves in the water links the croc/alligator to the emotional body of man. They contain the lesson of discovering and letting go of emotions hidden below the surface.
In the wet season when water is high, the alligators/crocodiles dig deep burrows that in the dry season are wet alcoves to which they retreat. As well as this, the alcoves act as reservoirs from which other animals drink. Water is the giver, the blood, the nectar of life, and though the alligator/crocodiles may be regarded as fearless and fierce by most, the sharing of these reservoirs shows that the alligator/croc respect all life forms.
The alligator/croc is all about survival, an adult has no known predators apart from another adult or humans. Young alligators have many enemies. Dangers begin for them even before they hatch. E.g. animals such as raccoons and skunks steal and eat the eggs of American alligators. They wait for the mum to leave the nest to swim or feed, quickly raiding the nest. A hatchling faces many dangers. Foxes, bears, snakes, and birds of prey may snatch them up for a tasty meal. Young alligators may even have to be on the look out for larger alligators. If alligator/croc appears in your life or when dreaming the message for you may be to look after you and secure your basic survival needs.
Alligators/crocodiles are some of the best parents in the reptile world. A female alligator builds a nest on the ground, and although she doesn’t sit on the eggs, she’s is on guard at the nest and help the eggs hatch. Sometimes both parents look after and protect the young.
Around 9 weeks after laying the eggs, a chirping sounds come from the nest – the babies are hatching! Whether males or females hatch depends on the temperature of the nest. If a nest is warm, males hatch. If a nest is cool, females. If the temperature is in between, both males and females hatch. Upon hearing the chirping, the mother uncovers the eggs. she picks up the babies and carries them to the water. If there are any unhatched eggs she will roll them in her mouth till the shell cracks to help the babies hatch. They are around 23cm long and are able to swim and catch food right away. However they do still need protection, so stay close to her. They may even bask on her head or back. If in danger, the hatchling cries out bringing the mother right away. Hatchlings sometimes stay with their mothers for a year or more.
Alligators/crocs come together only to reproduce and have distinct individual personalities. Those with this power animal are generally loners and only come together in groups if they absolutely have to. However, they can also make great leaders as they know how to survive in any situation and are strong enough to hold their own. There is also the opportunity to develop new wisdom but they must be careful not to be consumed by this wisdom. Each piece of knowledge must be examined before moving onto the next. Breathing techniques like those practised in yoga are beneficial.

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